

If you've ever wondered what the trees look like in Sydney (maybe you have - maybe you haven't.. it's more for the people back home) then let me give you an insight.

There's a lot of palm trees everywhere. Tall ones.

Some of the trees loose their leaves over winter, because it's too cold. This picture was taken in fall, before all the leaves fell off.

Some trees are really big. Massive.

The colours of fall.

A Kookaburra sitting in a tree

and that's all I have to say about trees.



As promised, here's a picture of our new board!

We had leg ropes from before, a his n' hers - pink and black. :) All we need now are some new fins. Which are probably gona be more expensive than the board as we got the board sooooo cheap!



Last Friday was 'date night' and we decided to go to a Katchafire concert. Katchafire is a band from New Zealand that plays really good reggae music. Marcus also bought himself a super cool basketball singlet with their logo on! Here's some evidence


The boys were in town

Despite the stupid volcanic ash cloud that's been in New Zealand airspace for over a week, the boys a.k.a Marcus dad and younger brother, made it over to Sydney for a few days. They had tickets with Jetstar but Jetstar has been cancelling all their NZ flights so there was no surprise when their flight from Auckland was cancelled last Wednesday. They managed to get new tickets with Emirates for Wednesday, which was lucky as Marcus had bought tickets to the State of Origin (rugby) game in Sydney for Wednesday night.

On Friday the 17th we celebrated Marcus birthday by going out for dinner and drinks at Darling Harbour.

On Saturday we took the ferry over to Manly for a nice brunch (and Marcus scored a cheap surfboard at the markets!! I'll put up a picture later..)



Wednesday the 8th of June started off as any other Wednesday. Except that both me and Marcus had the day off work and decided to go for a picnic to the Royal Botanical Gardens. It was a gorgeous day with sunshine and blue sky so we decided to stop at the Opera house on our way to the park.

Marcus had organized the picnic food and some yummy sparkling wine. We chose a nice spot in the sun with harbour views for our picnic blanket. From where we were sitting we could see the bats (or flying foxes) hanging from the trees sleeping. (They are about the size of cats..!)

We had a lovely afternoon with cheese & crackers, drinks, battleship!, sunshine and chillaxing.The highlight off course was when Marcus popped the question!:) He gave me a Georg Jensen white gold Fusion ring - love at first sight! :):)  It looks like the ring below except it doesn't have the middle part. My fingers are quite short and the ring would have looked too big with 3 parts so Marcus decided on getting the outer parts only as they fit together like a puzzle. The good thing with this ring is that pieces can be added on and diamonds implanted later on to build on the ring. Some diamonds when we get married perhaps!? ;)

We decided to stay out for dinner and drinks to celebrate the engagement. We walked back towards the Rocks and stopped at the Opera house for a touristic picture..

We were both over the moon and still are! I'm so happy!! :)




Som du kanske vet så har jag o Marcus förlovat oss för några dagar sedan. Men grejen e den att Marcus bror och pappa kommer o hälsar på oss på onsdagen o Marcus har int ännu berättat den glada nyheten för sin familj. Han tänkte överraska dem när dom e här. D.v.s om dom nu kan flyga på onsdagen för alla flyg från Nya Zeland är inställda för tillfället p.g.a volcanic ash.
Alltså jag återkommer med detaljer om förlovningen, ringen, hur det hela hände mm. då ALLA vet.



..eller Priceless, som den heter på engelska - e en helt sjukt bra film!
Det är en fransk komedi från år 2006 som jag såg på bio då den först kom ut. Hade totalt glömt filmen ända tills vi hyrde den för några dagar sedan. Den e såååå bra! Ta den nästa gång du går o hyr en film - oui? ;)


Soul Surfer

We saw the movie Soul Surfer in cinema yesterday. It's a movie about pro surfer Bethany Hamilton from Hawaii, who survives a shark attack and goes back to surfing with only one arm. The movie was really good, with beautiful scenery and great surfing but I think they could have chosen a better actress to play the main role. However Helen Hunt was great as the mum! The film is a real survivor story and I definitely recommend it. 
This is what the real Bethany Hamilton looks like



Som du kanske vet så har jag ett antal stygn på mitt ena smalben. Ett födelsemärke/ärr skulle bort. Idag, om några timmar skall jag gå o ta ut stygnen. Hoppas det int tar ont...
Tänkte sätta en bild här på ärret men tyckte bilden var för grouse!

Om du mot förmodan vill se stygnen så kolla in "Read More"..