

Arc de Triomphe

Picnic @ Brick Lane
Notting Hill Carnival 2010


Karaoke night

Yesterday me and about ten others celebrated my work mate Lin's birthday by singing karaoke at a Japanese restaurant in the city. Soo much fun!!:) We had a room hired and access to unlimited songs, 2 mics, Japanese food including yummy sushi, jugs of vodka cranberry and Midori. Hit me baby one more time...!

P.S. You might have heard about my leg, seven stitches..? But it's not as bad as it sounds, I had a mole removed and it had to be stitched up. That's all. I'll keep you posted on the results from the biopsy though.



Here in Sydney, I don't know about the rest of Australia, people leave stuff they no longer want on the street. They don't throw it in the garbage, instead they put the stuff out on the pavement in front of their house. This can be any old stuff that the owners don't have use of anymore. Example;
A few weeks ago we had to clean out our patio because the floor was going to be ripped off and renewed. We simply put the stuff we no longer wanted (almost all of it) out on the street, including chairs, pots, a broken umbrella, fake grass etc. I was then watching in amusement how people walked past and picked up our stuff. It looked like some people where on their way home from work but just couldn't resist grabbing a chair or pot because it was free. Recycling at its best!

Some junk left out on our street the other day. I bet it didn't stay there for long!:)


Shoes on a wire

This sight meets my eyes every time I look out the window. A pair of old school Nike's from the 80's hanging on a telephone wire. Apparently it's a common drug dealers mark and means that there's a drug dealer living in the building. I know our next door neighbours pretty well and can assure you that they're not drug dealers. And anyway the shoes are hanging directly outside OUR window so I can only assume that there was a drug dealer living in our flat sometime during the 1980's-90's.

And here's some artwork I see on my way to the super market


A night at the museum

We had our weekly date night last week and it was Marcus turn to come up with entertainment. This time he exceeded all expectations - it was a night at the museum. Literally. He took me to the Australian Museum and a special limited time only torchlight tour for adults! It was sooo cool!!
It started off with a glass (or a few) of champagne and canapes, followed by a guided tour around the galleries. The cool thing was that the lights where switched off and we only had torches to explore with. We saw some creepy crawlies up close, dinosaurs (and no, they didn't come alive at night..), birds of paradise and much more.

Marcus listening carefully to the guide..

I'm having a good time with the kangaroo!

Marcus holding a sssshnake..


Lazy day

Den här veckan har det varit ljuvligt väder. Knallblå himmel o strålande solsken. Int så varmt dock, typ 20 på dagen o 7 på natten. Vi har inget värmesystem i vårt hus/lägenhet sa det e ganska kallt inne. Som kallast har det varit ungefär 16 grader... Vi har ett "värme batteri" som vi har placerat i badrummet. Det har vi alltid på då vi går i duschen, annars sku man säkert frysa ihjäl. Jag har också införskaffat en second hand liten värme fläkt som jag går omkring med i lägenheten. Husen i Sydney e typ som husen vid Medelhavet, ni vet - kalla på vintern.

Hade ledigt från jobbet igår o bestämde mej för att gå och chilla (värma mej i solen) till parken som ligger ca. 3 minuter från oss. Så här såg det ut från min sköna fleece filt

Bongade också lite hundar från Doggy Daycare, hund dagiset, som ligger här nära oss. Hund dagis - jag tycker det e sååå sött!! :) Vissa för dit sina hundar varje morgon före de åker till jobbet. Där får hundarna sedan leka med varandra, sova dagssömn, gå ut på "walkies" m.m. Aaawh..! ;)

Men nu måst jag gå o laga mej färdig för kvällens date night. Det e Marcus tur att ordna träffen o jag har iiingen aning om vad vi kommer att göra. Vet bara att vi skall ses vid tågstationen om en timme!



Jah! Finland vann ishockey VM!!! Tyvärr såg jag int matchen för jag var på jobb.. (vet int var jag skulle ha sett den annars heller, det e liksom int priority att visa ishockey i tv:n här i Aussilandet.)

Nåja, men här kommer lite bilder från veckoslutet!

Hanas 25-års firande på Ivy

Mels 30-års kalas



Wossup? Haven't written for a while. Been buuusy at work.. Work is looking good now for me! I'm being trained to delta this week (Delta = head of gate staff) + I was one of a few chosen to cross train for another airline, Pacific Blue.
This is what Pacific Blue staff look like. I like the white shirts but they're changing the uniforms to red in a few months.

Best thing about crossing over to Pac Blue (as we call it) is that I get staff travel after 6 months service. wuhuuu! Pac Blue has flights to NZ, as well as the Pacific Islands (Solomon islands, Vanuatu, Tonga, Cook islands..), Papua New Guinea and Asia. Training for the new airline is starting next month, can't wait!

Other updates, Marcus had a few teeth successfully removed. He was sedated for the procedure but he handled the whole situation very well. I'm very proud of my honey! :) He still can't chew properly after the surgery so we are mostly eating soups and mashed potato..

I went to a colleagues birthday party yesterday in Surry Hills. Happy Birthday Hana one more time!! We had a blast and went out clubbing to Ivy and another place. Pictures will follow shortly!

This morning was no sleep in for me (although I got home at 3am). Marcus and I jumped on a train at 9am and headed out to Mel's (Marcus cousin's wife) champagne breakfast birthday party. It was held at her parents restaurant and the place was packed with family and friends. Unfortunately there was no champagne for me as I had to go to work a bit later. Again, pics will follow soon!


Matbloggen är här igen!

Jag lagade taco-paj här för nån dag sedan

Så här såg det ut då pajen precis kommit ut från ugnen

Här kommer receptet
 Sori lite suddigt..!

Igår hade vi "date night" med Marcus. :) Det e ett nytt koncept som vi skall pröva. Meningen e att vi skall gå på dejt en gång i veckan, och turvis hitta på program för kvällen. Det var Marcus tur igår.
Det blev mat på Monkey Magic!

Vi åt Bonito Tataki...
...Kushi Age..
..Monkey Magic Style Sushi Selection..
..Mini Doughnuts och Creme Brulee

Ikväll blir det pizza och rugby match. Imorgon e dagen med stort D för Marcus...


Glöm inte dem..

Bin Laden är död men vi får inte glömma att hans lite mörkare bror Choko-Laden som finns kvar samt kusinerna Marme-Laden, partyprinsen Pinaco-Laden, vegetarianen Sal-Laden.

Sen får man inte glömma hans senila farbror Var-Fan-Var-De-Jag-Laden.