
Hunter Valley holiday

We're back from an AMAZING four day holiday to Hunter Valley and Newcastle. The road trip started on Saturday, when we picked up the rental car and filled it up with two suitcases, a cardboard box with our stereo speakers and a heater (it still gets cold at night!), an esky (= kylväska), two backpacks and so on. Why do we need to bring so much stuff for a four day holiday!? Oh well, it fits in the car so why not. :)

On Sunday it was my birthday and I got some yummy ricotta cheesecake for breakfast!

After breakfast we jumped in the car and headed towards the wineries. As I was the designated driver I had to spit out the wine that I tasted, which I didn't mind. Apparently that's what the pros do anyway.. ;)

Our lovely Hyundai car. It was pretty good actually, automatic and soooo easy to drive. Only if we drove over 110k's / hour did it start feeling a bit unstable.

We did a vine tour at McGuigan wines.

McGuigan wines had a Finnish flag outside their building for some reason. I HAD to pose for a picture.

View from the Audrey Wilkinson Vineyard. We had absolutely amazing weather all four days! Sunshine, no clouds and + 25.

The afternoon was spent by the pool, soaking up the sun.

On Monday we left Hunter Valley and headed to Newcastle. But we did have time to stop at some more vineyards on the way, like Lindemans and Tulloch...

...as well as golfing!

Newcastle was all about hanging out at the beach, watching the surf, drinking delicious coffees/hot chocolates and eating yummy Thai food.

Next holiday is hopefully in January. I'm counting down the days!

1 comment:

  1. Ni har ju haft jätte skoj resa! En massa vin och sol, kan det vara beättre? =) Hur gick golfandet? Det var säkert kul, har ni börjat golfa eller var ni och testade?
    Massor med pussar och kramar från oss!

    PS. säg sen om presenten kom fram, så att jag vet att du fått den =)

