
In English please.

YES - your prayers have been answered and this is your lucky day. I'm writing in English from now on so that ALL my friends can understand! :D:D
For you who haven't been on this page before, this is where I keep you posted on what's happening in my life. At the moment it's travel, travel and more travel. I'm quite lazy when it comes to e-mails so I thought keeping a blog and reaching out to you all this way would be easier (feel free to comment nd stuff!).

As you might know I'm currently traveling across the globe. Our final destination is Australia but I'm sitting in a hotel room in Bayswater, London at the moment. Just here for a day though, don't worry, we've seen enough of this place already! Tonight we're picking up our suitcases from my friend A who's been kind enough to look after them while we've been holidaying in Finlandia. Tomorrow we're taking a morning flight to SAN FRANCISCO!! I'm sooo excited! :D

Finland was awesome anyway, very cold. And I mean proper cold, like -15 degrees. Was nice to see everyone but of course sad to say goodbye.. Check out some pictures below!

Cutting Christmas tree for grandma

@ Sean Paul concert
Baking ginger cookies


  1. haha thaaaanks:) finally i can understand what you're writing:) have a safe trip - I'm looking forward to reading the next blog! xoxo

  2. eeeeeeeeej!
    I saw the link already on the facebook, but indeed, couldn't read it, so great that it is now in english!
    I've been also so bad with the emails haha.
    Looking forward to the stories!
    have fun!
