
I'm soo tired

I think I slept about 1 hour last night. I've now been awake for 9 hours since then and it's only 3.30 in the afternoon. Marcus had to work early today, he started at 6.30 already so he decided to sleep over at our new apartment which is walking distance from his work. I slept at Craig and Mel's place because I had a job interview this morning (which went well, thanks for asking!:) Sooo, I had the whole bed to myself, heaps of space and I still slept like crap! Offcourse I managed to get sleep for the last hour so that I woke up completely dead tired, grrr..!
Just had a phone call though - an invitation for another interview next week so that made my tired day! I'm off to the new apartment soon, will meet Marcus there after his work. I doubt that there will be any Internet available there so I might not be back here before the end of the week. Have a gud one!


Today is a special day


It's a public holiday today and everyone is heading for Sydney parks or beaches. Marcus and I are heading to our new apartment (woop woop!) to do an inventory.. We signed the lease yesterday and the flat is now officially ours. It's a big loft apartment with a roof top patio. We noticed that it hadn't really been cleaned so we have some work to do before we move in. At this point i think we're looking at moving on Sunday.

I have my big interview tomorrow and also another interview on friday so hopefully I'll have a job by next week. My bank account really needs some income right now..

I'll keep u posted on jobs and stuff, now I'm off to celebrate Ozzy day! Cheers


Just got some good news

..and have to share it with you! I've been invited to a second interview for the job that has to do with Sydney airport (still won't tell you more at this point..). This just made my weekend!! :)



means Friday in Swedish. It's been a very relaxed one. Friday I mean. I have the house all to myself as everyone else is at work. Yep, that's right - even Marcus is at work!! He is having a second trial today. I haven't heard from him so I assume everything is going well. As for myself, I've sent off a few more job application today and keeping my fingers crossed. I've also soaked up some sunshine at the back yard and actually start looking forward to people coming home from work because I'm starting to get bored...

In the meantime I will attach some more pictures from NZ/Sydney.

Marcus and his niece Alyssa
Me and Alyssa
'driving' Marcus dad's Corvette
Manly beach
Marcus and Craig in Manly
In front of 'the House'


Recent updates

Yo! Whats new.?  Well, we have been approved for a flat we applied for - yeyyy! :)  We've paid the deposit but haven't signed the lease yet. I assume we get to move in at the end of next week or the following.
There's some updates on the job front as well; I've been on a few interviews this week and am especially keeping my fingers crossed for the one I attended today. It has to do with Sydney airport but I won't say more at this point in case I'm not called back for a second interview..

Otherwise we've been having an awesome time - took the ferry to Manly the other day to watch the surprisingly big surf , had a delicious meal at Mel's family's Chinese restaurant and went to the movies with the girls among other stuff. We've been watching a few movies with Mel and Craig during the evenings. They've got TiVo and can record any shows and watch them later. But I must warn you NOT to watch the Box with Cameron Dias. Worst movie of the year.

I saw the above movie at the cinema last weekend. I know it's been out for a while already but I haven't had a chance to go/anyone to go with. I've read all the Harry Potter books, the first one in Swedish (this was when I was about 15 and my teacher at the time, not mentioning any names.... Maggan! told me that Harry Potter is a children's book and should not be read by anyone over the age of 10. How wrong she was!) a few in Finnish and the rest in English. I think I read the book that the movie is based on a few years ago, but I still remembered stuff quite well. This is a very dark movie and not meant for children at all. I literally jumped in my seat a few times. I've seen all the other HP movies so I'm def going back to see the last one later this year.

I read this book while in New Zealand. It's written by the same author that wrote Confessions of a Shopaholic. I like her style of writing, it's very funny and entertaining. I would say it's quite a 'light' read, you don't have to think too much but I definitely recommend this book if you want to escape reality for a little while.



I was going to start by uploading a huge picture of Sydney harbour but I'm on a Mac computer and have no idea how to work this.... so, just imagine any picture you've seen of Sydney. That's where I am!

Arrived on Monday, everything went well. Spent a small fortune on the cab out to the suburb Epping where we are staying at the moment. Marcus cousin Craig and his wife Mel have been kind enough to let us stay in their home while we search for a flat. So far we've been out to Bondi beach, the city centre, Manly and a few other places. Sydney is just as great as I remembered. It's a big city but not a stressful place, people are happy and relaxed and seem to enjoy life.

Tomorrow Marcus and I are going to viewings of three different apartments. Hopefully one of them will be what we're looking for - 1+ bedrooms, balcony/garden, furnished and semi close to surfable water. Saw people surfing at Manly beach today and got the surfing itch real bad.

You might have read about the flooding in Australia. Just to let you know, it's only rained about once or twice in Sydney since we arrived, it's a constant 28 degrees and the sun is shining. It's only up north, in Brisbane and higher that there's been some devastating floods. It's quite humid in the air though, and I'm constantly out of breath when I move but you get used to the humidity after a while.

I have sent a few more job applications but am not too stressed about it. I rather wait until I find a job I really like than just take anything. So life in Oz has started really well, just sipping on a Fijoa (New Zealandish fruit) vodka drink, Marcus is fixing up some yummy cajun chicken salads and we're spending friday night with our new friends. Life could be worse! ;)


See ya later New Zealand

It's the last day of NZ. Bittersweet. Here's a few last memories from this holiday

A sunny day at a cricket game 
Barbecue at a friends place
Chillin out by the beach
Caught an octopus

Tomorrow we fly to Sydney and a 'new' life begins. I'm super excited and promise to keep you posted on all our adventures!! See ya later mate!


Less than a week!

Iiiik...! Next Monday we fly to Sydney! The time has gone incredibly fast and the holiday is nearly over. But I'm soooo excited about Sydney - man I can't wait! :) It's a lot of job hunting going on at the moment, I try to send applications every day now.

I will take a break from job searching this afternoon though, because Marcus and I are going to the movies (again). We got a movie ticket each as a Christmas present from Marcus dad and his wife, and have now decided to go and watch the Tourist. I've seen the reviews and they seem alright but most importantly Johnny Depp is staring in the movie.. ;)


Happy New Year 2011!

It's 2011!! Can you believe it!? What happened to 2010, and everything from 2000 forward..? I remember new years eve 2000 vividly and that's now ELEVEN YEARS AGO!! Which means that I'm eleven years older. OK let's drop this subject now...
We are still at the cottage, it's new years day today but a bit cloudy at the moment so I'm taking a break from outdoor activities to write this. It was raining a bit for the first few days we were here but yesterday was an awesome, sunny, warm day.

The cottage is actually called the Bach, which is clearly displayed on the front wall.

This is our home at the Bach. It's actually quite a big tent with two separate rooms. I hit my head the first day on the branch that can be seen in the picture. That's why there is an orange vodka cruiser can hanging from the tree. It's done it's job so far!

 This is a lovely Boarder Collie with an even lovelier name - Jess. :)

One of hundreds of amazing flowers growing around the house.

The backyard. Literally.

View from the front. Literally.

A nice dip in the spa pool on new years eve.

Marcus and his dad and a 'little bit of meat' on the barbecue..

The three legged cat Barry.
We went out kayaking yesterday.

So I hope 2011 will be a better year than 2010. Not that 2010 was a completely crap year but Sydney beats London any day. Peace out for now!