
Recent updates

Yo! Whats new.?  Well, we have been approved for a flat we applied for - yeyyy! :)  We've paid the deposit but haven't signed the lease yet. I assume we get to move in at the end of next week or the following.
There's some updates on the job front as well; I've been on a few interviews this week and am especially keeping my fingers crossed for the one I attended today. It has to do with Sydney airport but I won't say more at this point in case I'm not called back for a second interview..

Otherwise we've been having an awesome time - took the ferry to Manly the other day to watch the surprisingly big surf , had a delicious meal at Mel's family's Chinese restaurant and went to the movies with the girls among other stuff. We've been watching a few movies with Mel and Craig during the evenings. They've got TiVo and can record any shows and watch them later. But I must warn you NOT to watch the Box with Cameron Dias. Worst movie of the year.

I saw the above movie at the cinema last weekend. I know it's been out for a while already but I haven't had a chance to go/anyone to go with. I've read all the Harry Potter books, the first one in Swedish (this was when I was about 15 and my teacher at the time, not mentioning any names.... Maggan! told me that Harry Potter is a children's book and should not be read by anyone over the age of 10. How wrong she was!) a few in Finnish and the rest in English. I think I read the book that the movie is based on a few years ago, but I still remembered stuff quite well. This is a very dark movie and not meant for children at all. I literally jumped in my seat a few times. I've seen all the other HP movies so I'm def going back to see the last one later this year.

I read this book while in New Zealand. It's written by the same author that wrote Confessions of a Shopaholic. I like her style of writing, it's very funny and entertaining. I would say it's quite a 'light' read, you don't have to think too much but I definitely recommend this book if you want to escape reality for a little while.

1 comment:

  1. Hej!
    Vi älskar dig!!!!! =)

    Mamma, Daniel & Linda
