

..har jag idag. urk! Men det var en super kiva kväll!! Vi for till den här festen:

Stället ligger bara typ 2 minuter från oss så de var ganska kätsä! De var bra musik, glada människor, goda buckets och t.om. en finsk flicka som jobba i baren.

Vilket pepsodent smile, huhhu. :D
Vi kom hem typ 2.30-tiden o crasha direkt (så går det då man int varit ute sedan nyåret). Idag har vi varit på god krabbis brunch i ett litet mysigt kafee här nära oss. Har också varit o shoppat cyklar åt oss!

Den coolaste cykel jag nånsin ägt!!!
Marcus valde en sån!



Skulle gå till Broadway (ett köpcentrum) för att föra min nya arbetskjol och klänning att förkortas hos skräddare. Kom hem med detta

Ja, jag passade på att inhandla några saker då jag endå var i shopping mallen. Köpte ett 10xbusskort för jobbresorna nästa vecka, SPF30+ solcreme för ansiktet (absolut nödvändigt här!) samt det bästa shampot som finns - Tigis Dumb Blonde. Kastrullen behöver jag ikväll då jag skall laga makaronilåda. Likaså ketchup. D vitamin har jag redan länge tänkt köpa, läste också för nån tid sedan i Amerikanska Vouge att D vitamin e "the current star of the vitamin world". Jag äter just inga vitamintillskott förutom the occasional Berocca poretabletti så får se hur tabletterna inverkar.

Ikväll blir det fest o några sånhäna!

24 stycken närmare bestämt. Men tror int att vi kommer att dricka alla. För vi har rose vin också! ;)




Ja, om du undrar, så ser vårt sovrum/loft ut så här,



Bättre talande svenska folket

Neej, ja skoja bara! Vi e inget bättre folk än någon annan. Men ja, idag börjar jag skriva på svenska igen. Som jag skrev förut så har jag börjat tänka på engelska och känner ingen här som jag kan tala svenska med. Dessutom tycker jag att det e roligare att skriva på svenska för då kan jag uttrycka mej exakt som jag vill (på engelska blir det alltid så stelt på någå sätt..).
Jag köpte en sån här i Finland
Ett silikon tangentbord som man kan rulla ihop så att det int tar mycke uttrymme i väskan. Men desto viktigare e att det har å,ä och ö knappar, vilket min läppäre från england inte har. Tyvärr tycks det int funka med min dator, ingenting händer då jag kopplar in det. Så nu sitter jag här och copy pastar de svenska vokalerna vilket inte e så praktiskt. Måst försöka komma på nån bättre lösning...


swedish / svenska

Guys, I realized something today - I've started to think in English. This is both a good and a bad thing. A good thing, because it means that I master the English language really well and all the words I need come to me naturally. But at the same time it's bad because i could potentially loose my Swedish language skills. Not to mention Finnish. And I don't want this to happen.
So I've decided to start writing my blog in Swedish again, like in did in the beginning. I don't know anyone here that I can speak Swedish or Finnish to and writing in Swedish would at least be one way of remembering the language. But I won't completely forget you, my English friends, so I will write regular updates and stuff in English to keep you on the track. And if you have any plans of starting to learn Swedish then reading my blog will definitely be helpful, haha! :)

I made it

1st week of work completed. Wohoo!! It was a very stressful and intense week with a lot of theory and many exams. I must say it was a bit of a shock to the system after 3 month of holiday and leisurely activities but I passed all the tests and am ready for my next week. Got to do some actual work on Thursday and Friday when we buddied up with more experienced colleagues to check in for flights to Honolulu, Bali and NZ, which was fun. But I'm glad it's weekend (which I've told Marcus about a 100 times) so that I can take my mind off the airport a little bit. Had to go out and buy some work shoes today though - we have to wear a certain type of shoe so that we all look alike. I'm lucky that the factory outlet is walking distance from where I live, so I did the shoe shopping first thing this morning. Now I'm gonna do other stuff and not think about the airport until Monday morning. (but secretly I'm very excited to go to work on Monday!!!)



Just finished reading this book - Dearly Devoted Dexter. It's part of the series of books that the Dexter TV series is based on.

It's not actually my book, Marcus bought it at the Airport in San Fransisco. After I started reading it I realized that this wasn't the first book in the series (I think it's the second one). But it was really quite a cool book, strange how you can start emphasizing with a mass murderer. Now what I'm gona do is read the first book and the rest of the series and then watch the TV show - because I haven't watched a single episode of Dexter. But from what I've heard the TV series is really good as well!

Guten morgen

It's Saturday today. And it really feels like Saturday since I have to work on Monday. (for the last 3 months every day has blended into a combination of Fridays, Saturdays and lazy days. You start to loose track of what day it is when you're not working.) Marcus is working of course, but since it's raining today I'm gona try and clean as much of the flat as I can. Already finished cleaning/decorating the loft yesterday. Jeyy! (I will put up some pictures soon so that you have an idea of what I'm talking about)
But before I start cleaning I'm gona watch an episode of this      Stylisterna

This is a Swedish show where 10 stylist-wanna-bees compete for an internship at Sofis Mode. Sofi as in Sofi Fahrman. The link above takes you to the first episode (only 5 have been broadcasted so far).

Btw, last night when Marcus and I where sitting down in the living room watching the Twilight movie I suddenly saw something moving in the corner of my eye. It turned out to be the biggest cockroach I've ever seen coming towards us on the floor. Quicker than quick I was standing up on the sofa, terrified and screaming directions to Marcus. Thankfully Marcus was a bit calmer than me and he managed to catch it with a glass and threw it out of the window (I've heard that you shouldn't squash/kill them because the smell will attract other cockroaches.) Thank god pest control is coming on Tuesday!


Dangerous Goods

Just completed my dangerous goods regulations training that has to be done before Monday. I've done this training a few years ago as well, in 2006 to be exact, and still remembered a few things.

I did go to the American Express interview yesterday and it went OK. Next step would be a second interview with the Lifestyle team manager. However they have a lot of applicants and only one position open so I don't know how good my chances are..
It's starting to become a hot day again, 27 degrees at the moment, so I'm gonna go over to the pool now for a swim and continue the cleaning project later (we bought a vacuum cleaner yesterday - that's a good start!).



Just as I've put away my job interview shirt and am celebrating my new employment with Aero-Care I get a phone call. From American Express. They want me to come in for an interview on Thursday. For the role as Lifestyle Consultant. Whyyyyyyyy... couldn't they have called last week!?
I'm going to the interview. But I have NO idea what to do if I'm offered the job..

Good nights sleep

A good nights sleep can be worth gold! The temperature has finally dropped (aah.!) and I actually slept with a sheet last night. Poor Marcus had to get up at 5.30am again while I opened my eyes at 10. Because I felt sad for tired Marcus and because I'm not working until next week we agreed that I will have dinner ready for him when he comes home tonight (he usually cooks). Marcus thought this was such a good idea that it should happen every night - to which I laughed long and hard. ;)
I haven't been that very productive since I woke up; ate a few slices of cold leftover pizza from last night (cold pizza from the fridge is da thing! especially if you're hang over), surfed the Internet a bit and found out that my UK tax return is ready to be sent out. My next move will be to drag my ass from this computer and continue the never ending project of cleaning and organising our new flat.
I'm logging out now.


100 %

First (short) day at work today! Had to get up at 5.30am to catch a bus to the airport an hour later. The trip went smooth and I arrived just in time. There are four other new starters and they all seemed very nice. First we where whisked off to a drug and alcohol test (everyone who works at the airport has to do one). Basically if you pass the test you're officially employed. I passed - no problems and waved goodbye to $100 dollars.
Then we went for the security test and I got:

So now all I need to do is to sign the contract and show up for training next Monday. Yeyy!


It's still hot!

Slept very bad last night because it's just sooo hot in our flat. We had the fan on full speed but it was still almost suffocatingly hot. We were sitting outside on the patio until late in the night (was a few degrees cooler there) watching hundreds of big bats flying back to the city. Now it's 34 degrees outside and the temperature is creeping up. Hope it doesn't get to 41 as yesterday! (I seriously can't function when it's over 40 degrees. Went out to buy an ice cream to cool me down yesterday. Big mistake! There were gusts of hot wind that literally burned in my face and eyes, even though I had sunglasses on..)
I have been a good girl this morning and studied for the security test I have tomorrow. You can now ask me anything about Sydney airport's security system and I should hopefully be able to answer. I'm planning to spend the rest of this day outside our apartment and am off to the pool for a swim now!

Our local outdoor pool.


It's hot !

37,7 degrees to be exact. And it's only 11 o'clock in the morning.. We don't have air conditioning. And I'm stuck inside until 2pm.
I don't normally mind warm weather and don't like to complain about it but this is different. The apartment is super hot, I have all the windows and doors open but there's no breeze coming through. It's one of those days when the sun is burning from a blue sky, there's absolutely no wind, you can see steam rising from the hot asphalt and even the birds are hiding in the shades. I'm stuck inside until the afternoon which is unfortunate for me. The landlord (or a friend?) will come and pick up some stuff from the apartment in a few hours and I need to open the door for them. Because I knew it was going to be a hot day I woke up when Marcus left for work, at 6am. Went for a run to the Royal Botanic Gardens and did some muscle exercises in our local park (they have this cool outdoor set of 'excersise machines'). Our flat still looks like it's been hit by a bomb so I emptied my suitcases and put them away to have more room. I'll also need to clean up a little bit before the landlord comes, don't wanna give a bad impression. On top of that I have to study for a test I have on Monday at the airport. For this we have to read a 52 page booklet - Sydney Airport Security Awareness Guide. And all of this in 37,7 degrees. Jei.

This thing that Marcus brought me as a souvenir from Spain is maybe the best thing ever! It's now permanently attached to my hand and it's providing my face with a breeze of air wherever I go in the flat.


I'm back!

Sorry for the pause but my excuse is that we've moved to the new flat and didn't have an Internet connection (which is a very good excuse in my opinion). Now we have one, yeyyyy! Internet connection I mean. But I'll also have to apologize for any spelling mistakes as the spell checker doesn't seem to work properly on the old computer. (Haven't been able to connect to the Internet from my new computer, long story).
So anyways, all is good here! I'm still alive and well, although Australia has been hit by some disasters lately
there's the floodings in Queensland (up North from Sydney)...

and the tropical cyclone Yasi that hit the Northern part of Australia. Luckily no one was hurt though!

but here in Sydney it's pretty much looked like this since we arrived!

We've moved to the new apartment now (I'll put some pictures later) and are much closer to the city. It's been really hot the last weeks, 33-39 degrees during the day and I'm lying in a pool of sweat for most of the time. Therefore the cleaning of the flat is progressing slowly. I did however clean the wardrobe yesterday and hung up some of my clothes. Job interview shirts have now been tucked away as I've landed a job! :) :) Yep, my new job starts in a week. I will be working for these guys
as part of their ground handling team at Sydney International and Domestic airports. In the future you can find me there at the check-in counters or departure gates, working for airlines such as 

sending off passengers to destinations like Fiji, Cook Islands, Tonga, Papua New Guinea, Bangkok, Bali, Honolulu and Tokyo. Training starts on Monday the 14th, can't wait!!